About Us

Meet the Team

Clear View Regenerative Farms and Services was founded in 2013 and established as an LLC in 2017.


Erik Harris

Erik is a biological scientist with a Masters Degree in Biology from the University of North Dakota with a focus on plant-insect interactions. He is a certified Soil Food Web Lab Technician with a history of experience as a laboratory technician and manager. he has a well-grounded understanding of Soil Food Web methods and will provide a well rounded and thorough analysis of your soil.

Chris Harris

Chris, Operations Manager for CVRFS, has over four decades of experience in the construction business, and a deep and abiding life long respect for the land that both Erik and Chris grew up on in SE Minnesota. Over the last 10 years Chris has garnered a solid and informed understanding of the dynamics between plants and soil and the practical processes needed to build healthy soil. Chris is well suited to help guide any farm production toward organic or regenerative practices.

Our Work

Clear View offers laboratory services that support the regeneration of healthy ecosystems throughout the upper midwest. CVRFS is an active participant and practitioner in the nascent field of soil ecology and the Soil Food Web Community. We can also provide support services in transition to organics and any associated documentation. 

For the past 10 years, CVRFS has dug deeply into the holistic approaches that ecological perspectives have on our stewardship practices. As fifth generation farmers, we understand the importance of healthy soil to the financial well-being of one’s business. We also understand that, as land stewards, the health of the soil has a far-reaching impact on our own health and those in our community.

Our Approach

Clear View is uniquely situated to support the needs of a wide variety of farms and gardens through modern techniques of biological soil analysis. Determining the make-up and abundance of soil organisms is the first step to determine the path needed to support your goals. Through standardized and well established methods created by Dr. Elaine Ingham and the Soil Food Web School, a sample, or samples, from your soil, compost, tea, or extract will be assessed to determine the biomass and/or numbers of organisms important to soil ecology.

A microscope analysis includes counting organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes and other organisms. These counts are entered into a summarizing spreadsheet that generates total biomass per gram of soil as well as important numbers showing the successional status of your soil.  

Along with your report, a follow up conversation can be had to be sure that the report and supplemental documents are clear and understood.

The next step is to determine access to high quality biologically complete™ composts, teas, or extract. In many cases, starter compost can be accessed but may need additions of certain organisms and corresponding foods. Creation and application of composts and teas require a knowledgeable professional to make sure your efforts have the ideal outcome. A complete and thorough determination of your farm or garden’s needs is best served through the help of a Soil Food Web Consultant. A local or regional consultant can be contacted on the Soil Food Web School website.